Fri 25th Sept 2015
Fab new song by The Drink -

Fri 25th Sept 2015
You might remember I spoke of acting in a pseudo soft-porn music video in the Springtime, well here's the final result, a fantastic new single from Hana Piranha (who will be performing at the Tea Tone Halloween Party on 31st Oct)

Wed 23rd Sept 2015
So much going on here it's hard to keep the sites updated. JEEPS off to play old favourite The Railway in Winchester tomorrow. Then there's a brilliant Nirvana Tribute night at Scream Lounge in Croydon on Saturday, we're playing that too, and meanwhile we're all very much involved in the booking and organisation of our little European tour with Solid Goold from NYC late Oct / Early Nov.

Here are some upcoming dates -

Thu 24th Sept - Jeeps at the Railway, Winchester
Sat 26th Sept - Jeeps at Scream Lounge, Croydon, London
Mon 5th Oct - JEEPS at Trinity Bar, Harrow on the Hill, London
Sat 10th Oct - JEEPS at the Good Ship, Kilburn, London
Thu 29th Oct - Velouria at the Crown & Treaty, Uxbridge
Fri 30th Oct - Velouria Halloween Special at The Finsbury, London
Fri 6th Nov - Solid Goold & JEEPS at Drumherum, Berlin
Sat 7th Nov - Solid Goold & JEEPS at La Cantine de Belleville, Paris

Sun 20th Sept 2015
YouTube always manages to mess with me regarding audio/video sync, so we're over to Vimeo now, much better -

Sun 20th Sept 2015
The world can go fuck itself for a while 'cos we're bringing this site back to basics. Do you really need us to tell you about new material from Beirut, O Paon, Beach House, Laura Stevenson, The Drink, Duran Duran? And with regards to our own music & investments, Soundcloud is all very well & good but we don't see a penny from those bastards, and while Spotify & Apple Music do indeed pay peanuts, it's the direction things are going and if you honey roast 'em they go down marvellous with a pint of ale that costs 100x the amount.

Sat 19th Sept 2015
The making of this new music video for I Remember Luutzen bridged the time we spent living in Camden and these days in suburban West London -
