Glen Strachan is a raging belljester, currently working on long-term project The Love Rivals, 36 character portraits celebrating the individual.

About to attend my first event at the Royal Observatory, here in Greenwich, since I'm a member of the museum group here now. I could sit in these places all day, went to the Franklin arctic expedition exhibition (ooh!) at the Maritime Museum yesterday, chilling stuff. Live music on the bandstand in the park after this, I count my stars, but it's a lonesome life in all. Huge leaf just struck me on the side of the head, though there's nary a tree in the vicinity - that's my luck in a nutshell right there. Guy was shot & killed coming out of a jazz club just down the road from me the other day, they wanted his phone, what a waste of life. Could have been anyone, this recent increase in East London violent crime is horrific.

Sitting in the planetarium now, I've never done this before. Visuals on the ceiling.. don't know quite what I was expecting but this is mental. Sitting next to Greek-speaking folk & trying to understand what they say, that's double dedication.

WHAT THE DICKENS?!! That was fan-shit-your-pants-tastic, I was in tears of amazement! And I don't mean the Greek conversation, why did nobody tell me (in any language) about planetariums before? This is my all-time brand new current favourite place to be of the week! Why didn't my shit-house school bring us to one of these semi-spherical skyhouses in the sky? Bastards, that's it, I'm coming here every day, I'm buying a t-shirt of the silvery moon. Slice of lemon drizzle cake five pounds fuck this place.

Feels like I'm living in London much as I have done abroad for most of my life, alone & in cafes. The perennial tourist. Ah! The brass band has begun to play, I hear them from the Pavilion cafe.

No I ain't booking shows. Not if they paid me to play the King's Comeuppance would I throw my soul's gold to these goats & monkeys. Jeeps will release a new EP & play a one-off show, probably Sat 18th November at the Montague Arms in Peckham, and then I'm gonna fuck off back to the planetarium to watch the sun explode once more.

Was in my own little world, on the street after tutoring yesterday, and these young girls outta school were like "What the hell?" and I looked up and one of them said "You're freaking everyone out." I apologised, said "Sorry, I didn't know you were there", which was true, I must have been muttering to myself or something, I am a shade more bonkers than usual these days.

Back to my room with a view of the bus-stop. Was walking home the other day and heard someone call my name from the other side of the street, was only legendary promoter & ex The Bed manager Robert Pereno! He'd just bought an outdoor amp for street performing by the Cutty Sark 5mins from here, we're neighbours!

Sitting on the Thames, a stones throw from my new place in Greenwich. On approach I thought I was looking at a huge new block of luxury flats, but then I saw the lifeboats set into the side of the beast - unbelievably it turned out to be a frikken' massive boat: The Viking Sky. Dwarfs the flats on the bank. Seems I anticipated this return to London in my recent song Riverbends.

My new place has a piano, which is key, and Jeeps rehearsal the other day far exceeded my expectations. I've been catching up with the scene, seeing a lot of great bands & exploring venues both new & established. Saw Clerks (ex The Drives) at Paper Dress Vintage, best show I've seen in such a long time, but I was the only other person there when they started playing. Best bands in the world, worst audiences, it was free entry too. Wake up London, you have no idea how good you have it. So primed to explode once this art finds an opening in the big smoke.

Swedish band Junodef were also a huge find, so beautiful, and having gone to see them I stuck around for the next band whose style of melody sounded familiar. Turns out it's the singer/songwriter from The Drink's new project The Wharves. They were phenomenal too.

Gonna get Jeeps in shape, get some recordings down & head back to Athens for a spell to work on my project there. World of wonder.

Sup m'dearies, long-time downtime on the public front, though the happy-dippy dancing queen in blood red boxers is still chucking throbbing jellybeans to green headed-duckies on the lake, behind pretty plain white curtains. I'm becoming one of those girls who will have her secrets.

I've taken rooms in Greenwich, London, and am getting a line-up of Jeeps together to add some live band flavour to the recordings & maybe play some shows, getting back in bandshape for the future of whatsoever-may-happen. Still got my place in Athens meanwhile, and will be back n'forth as is my wont. Had to leave my accordion there, wonderful thing but not easy to transport. Very many London bands who threw in the towel in darker times are finding the alternative sun shining down upon their porch & have woken to a new dawning.

I'm so happy with the material for 6 Love Rivals that I'm in no rush to push it out there. Playing the songs with Jeeps and they're taking a new direction - see how Michael, Are You Breathing? morphed from the solo version on 8LR to the Jeeps recording on Muster Point, for example. Got some crazy backwards guitar going on with the Electro Harmonix Canyon pedal, there's a bit of that on the middle eight of Hatty Redfoot In A Rage on my Soundcloud page.

Full record 6 Love Rivals out soon, here's a sample track The Greek Girls Are In Greece:

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