Sat 19th Jan There's one street in Ealing that seems to hold focus for me in 12 year cycles. When I was 9 years old I used to play piano for grannies at an old people's home there, as part of my musical education. I also took, and failed, my grade 2, 3, 4 & 5 piano on the same street. At 21 I dated a girl who lived there, nearby the park where we used to go & have sex at night when I wasn't allowed in her parent's house. Now, at 33, fate has returned me to the same street again by way of accommodation that solves all of my travel & rehearsal conundrums in one go. It happens to be the exact same building where I used to play for grannies, and my room directly overlooks the place where me & my ex jumped over the fence to the park, but I simply cannot turn down this opportunity for a new home, hence my dragging myself still unhealed across half of London to check it out. Black eye aside, I completely forgot that these jeans still have big blotches of blood down the front, but I've got a good feeling about all of this. And man, has that area changed. |
Fri 18th Jan Just one pill left to take and then it's up to flesh & blood to take the wait, for "What wound did ever heal but by degrees?" |
Fri 18th Jan My thumb is wrapped up in bandages that I can't allow to get wet, and because of the painkillers it's difficult to tell just how hot the water is so, each time I take a bath to relax my damaged back muscles, it goes a bit like this: |
Wed 16th Jan Feeling a damn fucksite better today & wanna get on with stuff but still can't see or move too great. This year is brimming over with promise, I just wanna get my teeth into the slippery little beast. I reckon that's exactly what's going on in that lil' gals mind up there too. |