Sun 18th March 2012 One for Mothering Sunday: |
Sun 18th March 2012 Another sample of text up on the Joe Gardner page. You might be familiar with that character Maurice already. Was determined to have a sensible Saturday & resolved to stay indoors, but the party just came to me instead & before long this place was strewn with nutters grasping bottles & singing nonsense round the piano. Still, an improvement none the less. Got the fabulous Cal from New York staying at the moment, gonna try record another Live At The Ruislip Ranch video of her tomorrow if it fits in with her tour schedule & my studio session with Chxxlie. Collected a huge video backlog, will start uploading THE MOMENT I GET A SECOND OF PEACE ROUND HERE! Ok, peace attained, let's have a look at this stuff. |
Sat 17th March 2012 YOOOOO! Just struck a deal with Joe Gardner regarding serialisation of his novel about Jet Tea & our Uxbridge days. THE LIFE AND LOVES OF JET TEA Being a memoir of the extraordinary circumstances lived and endured by an earnest young Romantic. will appear HERE in the coming months. In the time leading up to the first chapter upload, while the page is being developed, I will post samples of the text to give you an idea of what to expect from this scholarly tome. As with other artists, donations made on the Joe Gardner page will go directly to him. |
Fri 16th March 2012 I'm staying at my mother's house while she's in Cyprus, and it's so wonderfully strange being alone in this ole' place with the piano & ghosts from years gone by. Feet haven't touched the ground since I arrived in England on Tuesday evening, but today I've just been walking from room to room acknowledging the tapestries & soundtracks of my little life. Can't be sure if it's more sex, toned down drinking (weekends excluded for the moment) or general productivity that's brought me to this pitch of happiness right now, but I feel at the peak of my powers. And now it's the weekend. And fuckin' yay to this: |
Wed 15th March 2012 All over London again today; back to that reality. Rows & rows of houses, each tube stop a read-only folder of flashbacks & fuckups, beercans & teacups, so far from Sternberg.. ah, Berghain! And I didn't even make it there on Sunday morning, my weekend documented only by photobooth before I left the apartment, on a stop off (to drop the gun off) & before sleepin': ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Although Berlin is extremely liberal & open-minded in most capacities, I learned that either something has changed since I first moved there, or that the undercurrent of intolerance is more widespread than I thought, as I endured an awful lot of hostility wearing those clothes, out & about in various parts of the city. I mean, fair enough I look like a right cunt, but I was pretty well behaved & smart lookin' when a bunch of guys pushed me to the floor on the subway & threw my heels in front of a train, which would have been a fabulous manoeuvre had we been playing traditional English game Shoe at the time. Maybe it's that game, invented by myself, Jet Tea & Mikey on the Statten Island Ferry, that is more widespread than I thought. In any case, being well versed in the mystic art of shoe-recovery, I foolishly jumped down onto the tracks to retrieve them & barely got up & out in time to collect the still alive bonus. I was furious with myself, immediately afterwards, for putting my life at risk just to show I wasn't intimidated by a bunch of narrow-minded pricks, but there were too many other similar incidents leading up to it which collectively brought me to an enough is enough crisis point. They did back off after that, three pointer for the trannies, but lesson learned. Again. On the ladder side of things, a girl found me passed out in the Burger King toilet & took me home to give me bread & stick me in the shower. And then I went awondering & got into some club for free, presumably 'cos of what I was wearing, so appreciative for that. Oh, and if you're questioning why I was in costume in the first place, first stop was a fancy dress party themed "The Gardener Is The Murderer", hosted by Threesome Girl (that's another story). And apparently I saw Heiko at some point 'cos he phoned the next day to say thank you for a fun evening & sorry that he left me passed out in the bar we were playing pool at 'cos we were both such a mess & he had to get home. Must've been an interesting game of pool. |
Wed 14th March 2012 Check out Saucy Green Snake, clearly romantically involved with Straight Tongue Red but showing off her curves to Can't Believe His Luck Snake poking his head up from the depths. Still, Saucy Green Snake is my favourite of the three, what a cutie! Roll another one, Straight Tongue! |
Tue 13th March 2012 "I might be said even to love my enemies, since by exciting me they in a sort bestowed happiness upon me; Perdita almost disliked her friends, for they interfered with her visionary moods." - From The Last Man by Mary Shelly. |
Tue 13th March 2012 Pretty weirdly fuckin' amusing, if you're a fan of Jet Tea's Blog, that his much anticipated date today - and dare I steal his thunder as he hasn't written about it yet - happens to be seeing ex Jeeps drummer Kasem! The chances of that happening in London are fuckin' next to nothing. It means that, while he was in New Zealand, his blog was inadvertently linking to his love rival's band! Man. Anyway, I'm absolutely insane right now, just got back to London & this week is gonna have some real highs & lows, "O wherefore are love and ruin for ever joined in this our mortal dream?" I'll see what I can do x |