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The Promoter & The Murdered Man
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Mon 16th Sept:
While it is indeed true that we record the show on Sunday evenings, and I upload on Mondays, there is also a lot of work I have to do one each episode, so you're likely to see it appear quite late on a Monday evening. For this reason, if you wanna be sure of finding a new podcast here, it's better to keep Tuesday in mind. So that's Tea Tone Tuesdays from now on! Great show this week, just editing it now..

Tue 10th Sept:
Lots of changes this week, and we're getting an increasing number of visitors from outside of the teatone network, so doors are being flung open in wide, wide welcome while I hurriedly sweep the fireplace & turn that framed picture of Jet Tea in lipstick-pockmarked underpants to face the wall.

Eddie & I may well look pretty snazzy in that black & white photo that's doing the rounds as a profile pic, but on closer inspection it becomes apparent that we're only cross-dressing at 3am in Subway, as usual, after all.

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