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Sun 1st April 2012
Celebrate with tuuunes 'cos Jae has set up a Bandcamp page, hunt around on there & find a free download of Tough Love featured here t'other day:

Sun 1st April 2012
Little clarification here, I wasn't comparing friends with friends in that rant earlier, I'm talking about the difference between people it took a lifetime to find & your average dickhead in a bar. I don't have to go get smashed off my face to enjoy the company of friends, we do that over a cup of tea or a game of chess any afternoon of the week. Now.

In other old news, Dirt by Alice In Chains is still a great song, Bigott is a freakin' genius & I've just about had it with this blog for now. It's days are numbered. Weeks, rather.

Sat 31st March 2012
Wow, dunno how on Earth I managed to embed this video here from Choking Dolphin's Facebook page (probably won't work for some you) but html.com/yay, check this:

It's Clara Day's vocals from a Moon Day Speaks track, remixed by Choking Dolphin (Jae from England & The April), and I think it's absolutely beautiful, makes me wanna learn to drive just so I can bust it out on a sideways daytrip to a Salisbury henge.

Sat 31st March 2012
"Your cuntery and your music are intimately linked" - Thanks Myles Manley, that's a nail on the head quote if ever I heard one.

Saturday morning story:


(Should've been quicker :p)

Sat 31st March 2012
Met Elena Dana in New York ages ago, built up a mutual thingy over the past few years, one of my favourite singers:

Sat 31st March 2012
So, mirrorweek(s) at an end, what have I figured out about myself? Well I've certainly discovered that I just don't care about very much in the outside world. I behave pretty ridiculously in public because I find other people's everyday life boring, for the most part. But not just boring, disrespectfully uninspired. Conversations in a social environment will rarely match up to my standards cultured from days on end talking with Lars & other fascinating people I've loved in my past. Or a decent book, for that matter, but don't talk to me about books, heavens no; read me a poem if you must but keep your opinion of it to yourself, what am I to do with such a thing? If someone's interesting I can sit & listen to them talk for hours on end. Or just look at them, if they're true angels. If they're not, I'll resort to dancing to find that spark, or if the music is also devoid of light I might just get my cock out & see what they have to say about that. Nothing of interest, generally, they just get offended for the most part & overreact.

I think it's a mistake to withdraw completely from the world just because it's full of dullards, but I've learned to keep my outgoings to a minimum. What's important here? From a selfish point of view I ask myself if I'm happy, and I'm quite sure the answer is yes. I've been disappointed much, on the recent occasions I have trusted someone with my heart & soul, but I'm not so burned as to refrain from entering into such situations again. Parts of me are thus engaged right now, and other parts are freely enjoying the selfish relish of internalised unions.


Wanna talk about balance. Forget finding a middle ground between puritanicalism & excess - a real balanced life will know both, and only gravitate towards compromise if necessary & valuable in it's own right, once the borders have been thoroughly established, so long as nothing is lost in the original reconnaissance. You don't have to sleep with a thousand people to figure out if you prefer blondes or redheads, as more will be lost by such experimenting and little gained. I am rich & I am poor. I am a genius & I am a dumb fuck. I'm also just about an alright guy, deep down.

It's always a surprise, that surge of adrenalin that rushes to my head & heart upon learning of an infidelity. Does it perhaps have it's purpose in aiding the expulsion of an intruder of love (sounds like a Sade album), or is it more likely a muddle of emotions struggling to force their way into consciousness & subsequent order?

In any case, I'm thankful for the additional energy with which to assert my Fuck You's, as without it I may yield to further deceit in softness, false tenderness lulling my beaten down bracken towards lethal upturned exposure to darkness.

Fri 30th March 2012
Last night really doesn't bear thinking about.. all I know is that I lost my bankcard, eventually got home & cancelled it, then found it today in my shoe. Jet Tea says we got kicked out of at least 5 bars, he's got blood all down his jeans, thinks it's his. Some talk on Facebook would have me concerned if I gave a shit, lost a few friends in the wee hours, really don't give a fuck - plan on staying in 99% of the time anyway, and shitman I'm getting good at playing that piano.

Been looking forward to this for ages, album nearly here!

Fri 30th March 2012
Jesus Christ, I read a bit more of that article..

"On one night in May, a drunk customer climbed onto a pillar-box, undressed and performed a "provocative and offensive" dance, the footage revealed.

Getting partially re-dressed he got down from the pillar-box and made lewd gestures to three passing women.

One took such offence she returned and punched him in the face."

Forgive me if I'm wrong but isn't that condoning physical violence somewhat?

Thu 29th March 2012
Was forwarded this link from someone who knows me too well (And.) - It would appear I'm one of the reasons that Heroes Bar, one of the best live band venues in London, was closed down: (See paragraph 3)

Wed 28th March 2012
I've known Lois Tucker for yonkos, and been involved in projects with her here & there. Primarily an actress, she's also recorded this tune, and to celebrate the redesign of her website at loistucker.net, assuming she don't mind, I'm sharing it with ye:

Really & True.

Wed 28th March 2012
Carrying on with this week for convenience sake, now, watch this through to the end:

Sun 25th March 2012
Was showin' Cal part of an urban sport we used to play growing up in London whereby you gotta get from one end of the old Met line carriages to the other without touching the floor or the seats. She video'd me attempting The Tricky Part

Sat 24th March 2012
I love my friends but christ it's good to be alone, my craving for solitude is like a madness these days & the longer I go without it, the closer I get to screaming at the world to fuck off for a lifetime.

This rest might yet have balm'd thy broken senses,
Which, if convenience will not allow,
Stand in hard cure.

I know it's wrong, but there are days when I ache for the rest of mankind to drop dead on the spot so I can roam around the globe without having to bother with all these other cunts. I'm very happy to keep the fruits of generations past; please leave the library door unlocked before you expire, kind Sirs.

Sat 24th March 2012

Sat 24th March 2012
"I wasn't trying to start a revolution, I just wanted my cock sucked."

Fri 23rd March 2012
Er.. mirrors everywhere this week, no point talking about that 'cos you wouldn't believe me, but reached an odd climax last night when the guy after us sang a song with the chorus "Punch the mirror, punch the mirror." First thing that caught my eye when I left the house today was a large poster for a film called Mirror Mirror. Ah fuck it, the list goes on. Played here with (Paper) JEEPS last night, sorry for not mentioning it before the actual date, been silly busy. Shall I just fucken put a big pic up here sayin' busy & save myself the bother.

Well I am ALONE in the house now for perhaps the first time, and once I've chored the place into some sense of normality maybe I can get something done, whatever that means.

Oh yeah, and I saw two very bright orange UFO's in the sky tonight, and when I rushed into the house to tell somebody & returned to the street, they were gone without a trace. They had no tail, so couldn't be meteorites, and were too deep in space to be lights from the Earth. Two giant orange stars in the darkness, and it would appear no other cunt saw'em.

Wed 21st March 2012
I figured something out today - I honestly don't give a fuck about who reads this, what they think, people's opinion of my music, my morals, my luscious lazy life. Comparisons are redundant, but people who have less time than me waste more time than I do. And if you think that I'm trying to justify myself here, or anywhere, then you are part of a problem that no longer concerns me. It's the words themselves that matter, and it's the words that you are reading. Believe &/or be gone, this is no Tumblr page because I don't want input, Likes, approval. I never for a moment abandon my own code, nor could I hope to, we've "a nobler flock to tend than silly sheep."

I figured it out.

I love life.

Let's have another party.

But we are not so imbalanced as all that; we are truly two-toned; black tea, white milk, warm hands.

"But in truth, neither the lonely meditations of the hermit, nor the tumultuous raptures of the reveller, are capable of satisfying man's heart. From the one we gather unquiet speculation, from the other satiety. The mind flags beneath the weight of thought, and droops in the heartless intercourse of those whose sole aim is amusement."

Go Mary

Wed 21st March 2012
Here bloggy bloggy, here boy, come to this mad FUCK so I can draw a giant smiley on your bedsheets & swap your furniture around while you sleep. I'll paint your DVD's white, I'll kiss your walls until my lips bleed, I'll squeeze your toothpaste into the toaster & grate cheese onto my upturned forearms, then I'll put things back to how there were before, hide the evidence & rub you good morning bearing pancakes & breakfast beer. All I ever wanted was to fall out of love. The tension is unbearable; all those pretty girls alive all the while. And here I am with no memory at all, dreaming of my life & that which is mine outside.

Wed 21st March 2012
Haven't had a chance to get into the new Magnetic Fields album yet, though Quick! strikes me as a wholesome combination of previous directions with a new twist. This 6ths track has been haunting me from the Stephin Merritt catalogue for a while now though:

Wed 21st March 2012
So very, very recommended, wonderful artwork too, get a hard copy:

Wed 21st March 2012
Playing a rare solo show HERE tomorrow evening, that should be interesting for me at least. Video below is a classic Ray Brown tune, I'm not sure of the story behind the visuals but it's real pretty. There are a ton of new recordings on his Bandcamp so search & find, the man is clearly a legend. Will post something specific soon.

The Cal Folger Day video was filmed here at Glendale Ruislip Ranch the other day (yesterday?) and was a pleasure to have her stay & hear her live again. She'll be back in the UK with her band in May, I'll post tour dates when I know 'em.

Can NOT BELIEVE I've only been back in London for 7 days. This time last week I was lurching across Warschauer Strasse in Berlin, trying to hail a cab 'cos I was moments from missing my flight. It's been a crazy week, now peaceful at last, Andrew is asleep on the sofa over there & I'm tinkering on the piano trying to sort a setlist for Thu night. Night night Tea Toners x

Tue 20th March 2012

Mon 19th March 2012

Mon 19th March 2012
The man who is forever disturbed about the condition of humanity either has no problems of his own or has refused to face them. - Henry Miller

Mon 19th March 2012
All in all more ladders than snakes last week; good moves team.

This themed page thing is sortof informing my life more than I would wish, so I gotta be more careful of what I chose for 'em. Shh (It's A Secret) Week nearly got me in a lot of trouble, and it may take a while to iron out some of the consequences of living a whole seven days with diminished responsibility. Secrets engender deceit, which in turn begets flat out lies with self-deception hot on the heels. Gotta take a good look at myself & figure out what's what here; cue Mirrorweek, but what what? This isn't an art piece whereby I share my life with you like some Facebook backstage area, I obviously don't write about 90% of the interesting stuff that happens in any case (relationships, for one thing, being entirely off-limits) it's just that there does seem to exist a parallel between this blogging nonsense & real life aftershocks that scared me into abandoning the thing late last year. Because, if I'm not gonna be 100% transparent, what's the point in talking about personal stuff at all? At times in my life when I'm just sleeping around & drinking I may as well have a separate anonymous sex blog or something, but what's the point in that? What is this fucking website all about anyway, it's a weird imbalance between truth, language, self-expression & ranting about pissups. A misleading trade-off of safety zones. Think I'll stick with videos for now, otherwise I can't be sure where the shapes start & the reflections end.

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