Sun 19th Aug, 2012 So much new blood & all round transfusion confusion, it's a lot for one brittle body to take in. Barefoot heart pumpin', eyes averted, floorhunting. |
Sat 18th Aug, 2012 Spires of Johannesburg bristle over backwards & shyly spike the saber-toothed sunroof, lance-locked riga mortis ligaments fragment as noble penguin blood bespatters the steering wheel; tomorrow's Daily Shady. Driving up through Botswana just until the cassette ends, Kalahari can't stop now this song's a good'un, mid-ocean apple orchards & forbidden choral works, orchestrated razorblade dawnraids with cardboard coffee take-out discount, double-dealing bagel stealing, and then out. |
Sat 18th Aug, 2012 A very silly night of attempting to record in the 'summer house' at the end of my Mum's garden, great atmosphere & sound at 3am but kamikaze moths, unwelcome spider patrols & vodka giggles interrupted most takes.. will try that again soon, most of the 2nd EP will be recorded live out there. |
Thu 16th Aug, 2012 And we'll have this girl behind the bar: |
Thu 16th Aug, 2012 Well frag me featureless, having spent the week obsessing over the need for a Streetfighter II arcade machine in the Tea Tone Tavern, and blogging about cool chess boards, would you Adam & Eve it, Capcom decided to release this beautiful thing: It's only a Street Fighter II chess set aint it! I always said those two games were remarkably similar in skill & tactics, WE NEED THAT THING FOR OUR BAR! And how about three player chess, taking on two armies at once huh, check this sh.. ining example: And here's one for Rayner: |
Wed 15th Aug, 2012 These tragically rare sober lonely nights are over too fast, lost in an unhurried flurry of Ribena shots & handfuls of sticky raisins knocked back under a strip-light midnight. This is where the magic squinches & quails, fearful of false-feathered friends & fortifying fairy-tales. Had a mysterious meeting with Matt Collier just now regarding the artwork for Hollering & Handstands. All the bars round here were closed so we took a walk & found a table outside down by the 13th Century Old Barn & drew up plans for the beautiful piece he's drawn. Recent shows have been a mixed bag, but last night at the Wheelbarrow was excellent, we're really getting close to the sound I've been meandering towards for some years now. Before I'd taken a step off the stage somebody said they'd never heard anything like that before, and another agreed that it was beautiful - a far cry from what I've heard in the past, though I'm quite sure there are still many people out there who think "whoever the girl is in the band, she should go and do it herself" - part of a review England & The April got some time ago! |
Wed 15th Aug, 2012 I miss my chessboard ;( |
Tue 14th Aug, 2012 er.. so, having decided on London as a location to start getting sexual again, we've begun to grow outward beyond the core; I spy yellows & greens in the teatone scenes, a buzzy bee on fuzzy beans, roots shooting mudshafts through park turf & car parks, bright hearts, sunlight through window screens. We step out into big bold dreams with space to grow into, a first pair of school shoes that stretch as they gleam one early September morning, Springtime for elastic reason, nevermind the season forming. |
Fri 10th Aug, 2012 Oops, tootally forgot it's non-swearing week for a minute there, what a wobblydonkus. |
Fri 10th Aug, 2012 Almost a year ago we ran into some right soppy cunt in a hostel in Berlin who made us all realise what a bunch of bellends we are & fucked off back to his real friend in America, but he wrote some lovely things about the experience on his blog, all ye Teatoners raise a drink to Riley. |
Thu 9th Aug, 2012 |
Wed 8th Aug, 2012 Triple Jumpin' Jesus: |
Tue 7th Aug, 2012 Flaming Son of a Basket Weaver, I totally forgot, JEEPS are live on Hayes FM tonight at 10pm London-time, gonna play a lot of exclusives if I can get away with it, listen globally on |
Mon 6th Aug, 2012 Plans for the Tea Tone Tavern; A Jet Tea Themed Bar, are moving surprisingly quickly, there is not an ounce of bullshod surrounding this endeavour. Everything on schedule regarding the JEEPS twin EP, only 21 days until the release. Got a kid from down the street to record real clarinet on a track the other day, did a great job! Further sneaky peeks of the work in progress artwork by Matt Collier on the JEEPS website. |