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Sun 23rd Dec
Jesus Christ I'm damn near finishing this album & it sounds fucking amazing, up all night recording vocals that have long eluded me & I'm getting through the trickiest tracks one by one, I truly deserve a massive blowjob & a weeks worth of pancakes for this joyous creation. Fuck, cars have started driving the streets, better get done. Who's up at this hour on a Sunday morning before Christmas, gee whizz, fuck off back home you cunts.

Sat 22nd Dec
If I hear one more married man refer to a "boys night out" I'm gonna smash his fucking teeth in. You're going to the pub is what you're doing, what the fuck happened when you got married that turned you into a dumb cunt kid.

Sat 22nd Dec
I know it's already been half way round the internet, but this is superb, and a reminder of what the people who did buy MySpace did when they purposely ran it into the ground to protect a doomed CD industry. Tom did his share for independent music; millions of bands reached the corners of the Earth for free on his watch:

Sat 22nd Dec
Saw this very good band play a warehouse show in the middle of some god forsaken industrial site on the fringes of Brooklyn a few months ago. Link to a free EP download at the end:

Sat 22nd Dec
Phones emit on the order of a few hundred milliwatts to a few watts maximum, while ovens use power levels in the neighborhood of 700-1000 watts. That's the difference between a conversation with your best friend and a hot roast beef sandwich.

The other difference between microwave oven radiation and cell phone emissions is information. No matter how much power you throw at your dinner, it's not going to ring.

Thu 20th Dec
Not at all impressed with the new NOFX single, the music is almost non-existant and the whole thing just another simple joke at the expense of believers. It's not even clever or powerful this time around, just an irritating poke in the.. ribs.

Wed 19th Dec
Feeling like that poor reptilian soul up there, surrounded by bullshit & idiots.. looking forward to that big ole' train that's gonna take me across Italy with no return ticket. Won't be away for long though, just need that open-endedness to help me breathe right now.

Having said that, my body is starting to relax with regard to expected alcohol intake. You can see from the start of the Narcis video how fucking hyper-tense I was when I first cut down the drinking, but since then I've been increasingly self-controlled & productive. It seems strange that this very calm, aqueous album I'm mixing now was written & recorded during a very messy phase in my life, when I first moved to Berlin, but now that I look at the songs out of that context I feel that the original working title of My Life The Trainwreck is no longer appropriate. Doesn't help that Rivers stole my idea :p Had many ideas for a replacement, including Fullstop For A Tear, Die Dornier Do, and Bleach The Chameleon. Right now I'm considering The Lizard The Lollipop, let's see if that sticks.

"I love people who can write reams and reams about themselves: it seems generous." - D.H Lawrence.

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