Sun 29th Jan 2012 Hmm, the weekend was.. fucking ridiculous of course. Eleven of us hit Winchester, we had two hotel rooms side by side & (JEEPS) played a show with FOE at the Railway on Friday night. The gig was followed by a Burlesque event & some weird retro gaming room where I challenged every mutha in the place to Streetfighter II matches at maximum handicap playing only with my left hand for 50 quid prize, nobody came fucking close (actually one guy came frighteningly close, lucky swine), have that you cuuunts :p ![]() ![]() Riley (JEEPS drummer) tells the story of the show very nicely in his blog post HERE. |
Thu 26th Jan 2012 Legend in the making; Roxy Rawson, has now reached over 80% of her pledge campaign total needed to complete her debut album, so if you Pledge Now you can help shape a little music history & get an amazing record, inclusive, to boot. No money is taken from your account until her campaign has reached 100%, so your investment is guaranteed. Yours would be a thoroughly worthwhile & useful Pledge: Did I use that semi-colon correctly up there? I'll never learn. |
Wed 25th Jan 2012 Been waiting a long time for a new track from these guys so I'm not saving it for tomorrow's blog, album soon! |
Wed 25th Jan 2012 It's Underrated Week (click the Shark Sandwich artwork), but this update is off-topic. Back in the Days Of Disorder we went some way to destroying the UK, then took a trip across USA & some of Canada which still hasn't been documented beyond Part 1 of 10 due to sheer volume of madness. Days of Disorder: Europe came next, and was a complete write-off, having begun with the day of two hangovers, flooding a hotel room & a 3am apple eating contest. I can't remember much else of this trip except having a fistfight with a bush outside a police station in Bruge & Mikey setting off car alarms with bare feet in a 5 star hotel carpark in Brussels. In D.O.D Sweden I tried to steal a penguin & bring it back to the hotel room & ended up on a coach journey from Goteborg to Berlin with my ex-girlfriend, not saying a word to each other the WHOLE WAY, despite crossing this bridge at dawn which ranks among the most stunning sights of my life: ![]() ![]() SO - Some of the old D.O.D crew are assembling for a road-trip to the JEEPS show with FOE in Winchester on Friday.. stayin' at a nice hotel as is the tradition, Days of Disorder: Winchester is on the cards, I've a feeling it'll be a good'un. |
Tue 24th Jan 2012 This is the first release from Mercy, formerly teen pop misfit Amy Studt. Not quite sure how I feel about this track, but I'm glad she's recording again, it's definitely a good musical direction for her. Free download too: |
Mon 23rd Jan 2012 This guy is amazing, Jason Trachtenburg - much loved in some circles but generally underrated in my opinion. If you ever get bored & wanna smile just whack this on at a random point in the 30 mins show, guaranteed to raise your spirits: |