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Egg Fried Nein
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Thu 19th Sept:
Sorry for all this fuckin' about, we're playing 6 times this week, what a time for the world to go tits up without a geia sas or a sayonara. Here's the latest podcast link if the above player don't load or if yer on yer mobile: Egg Fried Nein

Wed 18th Sept:
Being so fuckin' ruthlessly productive at the moment that I feel a bit like Darth Vader - The emperor does not share you optimistic appraisal of the situation. Our previous podcast provider just aint cutting the mustard so we're trying out the alternatives while they sort their shit out. Playing a great show on Fri night at Mother Club in East London:

Tue 17th Sept:
Had a bit of trouble with the new player this week, anybody else get cut off halfway through the show? It's supposed to end after 26mins with a song by Myles Manley, if you didn't hear that them something went wrong with the stream, sorry about that.

Typical innit, the week we get a ton of new listeners, the host site decides to make a bunch of changes & fucks everything up! Will be back to normal soon. Will definitely be Tea Tone Tuesdays from now on 'cos one day just isn't enough time for me to prepare the show & I don't wanna rush things, we're just picking up speed now.

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