Sat 21st May 2011 A little hunt around the corners of my room produced a yield of 91p, which Sainsbury's miraculously transposed into the key of food to the tune of two tins of soup, a loaf of fresh bread & a packet of pasta. For under a quid. London may well be one of the most expensive cities to live in, but it's very reasonable for value munch. TheBed started playing shows in this city in 1999, and my memories of the live scene around that time are mostly bleak. Good bands were thin on the ground. We played very many shows, and though we had our own core (Matt the Hands take a bow), with regard to the scene at large we were lost at sea. Nirvana were no longer held in deserved esteem, and the internet hadn't quite reached the speeds & ubiquity that today allows people to rediscover the classics without having to take a chance on buying a CD. Fanzines were fab, but reserved mainly for geeks dare I say it, and past their 80's hayday. Morrissey, who hadn't yet resurfaced with You Are The Quarry which signalled his return to the press if not his return to form, was an antiquated name, as were the likes of Kate Bush & Joy Division. The Strokes, White Stripes & The Libertines were about to spark off a certain something very populist, while there were (as always) a spate of metal / hardcore bands in the darker corners. Pub bands were doing horrible versions of Pearl Jam songs & tragically accurate versions of Living On A Prayer. And there was Queenadreena: |
Sat 21st May 2011 I really am flying through these mixes, most of them were 99% there anyway, was just a crisis of confidence that stopped me from finalising them. Should have the whole back catalogue released one day soon: |
Sat 21st May 2011 I nearly lost my hearing & my mind when we first recorded this back in the final days of England & The April. New mix: |
Fri 20th May 2011 |
Fri 20th May 2011 Quite low on inspiration at the moment, and not discovering any new music mainly because I've barely left the house in two weeks (except for when I locked myself out) & haven't a penny to my name. All this amounts to a fairly shoddy blog, but I'm good within myself & getting stuff done with the help of the electronic machine interface device I'm using to type this. There are two music videos in production at the moment. One semi-professional, due to be filmed abroad in the next month, and one involving me & Mikey scratching our heads surrounded by shonky old tapes & broken cameras; both are sure to astound and amaze when they're done! More soon. I don't suppose any Uxbridge locals read this anymore, but if you are from round that way, goodly old face Darren Booker has an opening night at the Gardener's Arms later on. Let me know how it goes! |
Thu 19th May 2011 Ra, been a productive day for me (Sorry to keep banging on about myself) but nothing to upload today, unless you wanted to hear Me & Nothing New sans vocals which I just re-worked from scratch. I did re-upload And I Will, however, with a little extra instrumentation, It's done for good now: Giving the new Kate Bush album Director's Cut a first thorough listen through. The net is full of people's flimsy opinions about it, so I won't dwell on mine for too long.. but the new version of Moments Of Pleasure is one of the most beautiful things I've ever heard. |
Wed 18th May 2011 This week is mainly about getting things finished that have sat about languishing for too long, with the main goal of uploading one new recording a day from my pile of tinkerings. As a result, the Your Starkself EP is now only one track away from completion as I finished Bit Too Bright today: |