Sat 16th July 2011 Was just having a look back through previous weeks of this nonsense, and found an unfinished story from my penultimate night in New York. I'm waiting for William to drop by (Jeeps news soon) and may as well tell the tale now while it's to mind. I had zero money & no credit on my phone, and wasn't allowed into the bar where I'd arranged to meet a new friend, so I waited / danced outside hoping she would come out for a cigarette at some point & find me. Attracted a lot of dubious attention but no sign of ladyfriend, so I went into another bar to see what I could find. A slightly older woman approached me & asked why I wasn't drinking, I explained my situation & she said she'd take me for a drink.. apparently she was David Bowie's manager or something. I basked in my good fortune, having only just blogged about Lady Luck being on my side when I'm empty handed. We went to a place down the street & ordered a couple of beers. It was around the time of the second round of drinks that I realised she was a bit of a looper, which isn't a problem in itself, save for the fact that I was relying on her to fulfil her promise & pay the tab. When the time came to pay, she just shrugged & said "I haven't got any money either." The barman was flabberghasted & threatened to call the police if we didn't pay up.. wherupon this lady jumped off her stool & pegged it out the door & down the street, hotly pursued by the barman who chased her for about 5 mins before returning, exhausted, to find me still at the bar wondering why nothing is ever simple in my stupid life. I think the fact that I hadn't tried to escape helped my case when I explained exactly what had happened, and he let me off without paying. That was the same night I sang with Albert at this show, which I've posted before but is once more relevant, as Albert will be a very special guest performer at my Halloween Birthday party this year: |
Sat 16th July 2011 Of all the legitimate reasons they could've fired me from Trinity (bottle of vodka in my pocket for example), it actually came down to the pride of some prick manager who gave me my full wages after an hour & told me to leave, somehow thinking that I'm the one who lost out. It wasn't the wonderful Chris who got me the job & helped us out so much in the past, but some nob-wobbler who, when I passed-on some song requests, actually used the words "You're getting paid to collect glasses, now go & collect glasses" like I was getting above my station! Patronising wanker. They wouldn't let me back in, but the pretend-alternative bar almost actually became alternative for a moment after that, when a bunch of people joined me on the wall outside to sing some improvised nonsense. It's a shame genuinely alternative people & places are so hard to find in London. The one's that we're lucky to have never do last very long. RIP Anet Mook: |
Fri 15th July 2011 Good god damn lord all christ almighty for fuck sake, there's no structure at all. No framework whatsoever, I'm performing gymnastics on rubber rods & jellyfish scaffolding. It's a good thing all my jobs are basically just me being me, in a different place, as I've been 'working' for 72 hours straight, save the troubled sleepin'! Drank most of the earnings as I've gone along, to be fair, but it was either staring at the wall for three days or busting some grooves to the tune of wonga & ending up in the same place at the same time with the same end result. Been working at the spa daytimes, DJ'd a leaving do last night, and while at the Spa today I amazingly got offered another nights work this evening at Trinity. In other news, I've been a strange combination of gardener, DJ, barman, Shakespeare scholar, musician, landlord, health spa receptionist & general pisshead this week, jumping from mowing the lawn & battling nettles to playing school disco themed music & mixing songs about policemen in Venice. |
Wed 13th July 2011 "I shouldn't be doing this really, I'm supposed to be working." "I shouldn't be doing this either, my boyfriend's downstairs." |
Tue 12th July 2011 Just got offered another night of work at Trinity in Harrow, and earlier today sorted two more days employment at the Spa! Things are falling into place & I'm generally feeling positive - could be it be I've found my way back into the God Channel after all?! Waitin' on an e-mail.. don't wanna tempt fate but, if that comes back positive, things could get very interesting very soon. Learned my lesson from last time. Gonna get smashed before I turn up tonight. Go To Work Wasted. ![]() |
Mon 11th July 2011 Yes yes I'm obsessed with Laura Stevenson & The Cans, and this isn't really new news, but in case you've not heard it, skip to 2:03:00 on this mutha for another live session on WFMU including new song called The Hole: |
Mon 11th July 2011 Still hearing the word Zombie left right & centre, and there'll be no more of this nonsense after today, but thought I'd better explain why I got a girl saved as Crack Whore in my phone in case you get the wrong impression. Basically, one awkward morning, I got into that discussion about relationships that can't be avoided for too long, and this girl explained to me that she's a very loyal girlfriend, using the example that she used to fuck her ex's dealer to pay for his coke habit. Not the kind of loyalty I've been searching for, it must be said, but hats off for effort. |
Mon 11th July 2011 Right. Been fucking about too much recently, and I'm bordering on bankruptcy; time to go Pro.. yeah right. Mine's a vodka Snakebite. But seriously. Gonna make some phonecalls. Gonna bust some asses, in a more productive sense than usual. Gonna make it happen. Gonna drink this coffee & listen to the new Suzanne Vega album. Gonna take a walk & feed the ducks. THEN maybe I'll make some phonecalls. |